...because character development isn't limited to a role on stage...

The Bothell High School Drama Boosters program is dedicated to enriching the lives of students through the support of the Bothell High School Theatre Arts Program. There are many ways to help the cause. Click the pictures below to find out more.


Think you don't have time? Love your weekend sleep in ritual? No problem! There are plenty of ways to help. From heading up a phone tree to folding flyers. There are so many elements that go into doing a show that some can even be done from the privacy of your home!



Giving isn't just about money. There are all kinds of things we need donated. Meals, Clothes, Props, Tools, we take all sorts of donations. You never know, that 70's lamp you've been trying to pawn off for the last 20 years might be just the set piece we've been looking for!



BHS Drama Boosters is a non-profit organization. Corporate sponsorships are a great way to show your company's dedication to your local arts programs.

 And even better, a tax write off that benefits kids? Sounds like a win-win.